We have stock of these coming and going all the time. The picture is of one we have as a club gun.
Very popular and very, very accurate.
The scope shown is a Hawke 4x32AO which we usually always have in stock – £56
Available to order. Delivery within 48 hours depending on stock with the Ruger importer.

You must send the FAC/SGC to us;
We will enter the gun on it and return it to you;
We will notify your issuing force of the transaction;
We will then send the gun to the RFD you have arranged to receive it;
You must then produce the FAC/SGC to the receiving RFD when you collect it.
We will not send a gun to another RFD for them to fill in the certificate.
Carriage to your RFD or your RFD’s fee is not included unless agreed with us in writing.